Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Got A Pinterest!

Peer pressure! Two of my roommates are always on Pinterest "pinning" the things, quotes, recipes, etc. that they like. I couldn't take it anymore!!! So I got one. haha! It's a lot of fun. I forced myself to be experienced (pinned 100 things yesterday) before blogging about it. I pinned lovely dresses, home decor, foods, Snoopy pictures, a dangerous picture of a crocodile and the Crocodile Hunter, and much more! 
I feel like Pinterest can help me make any food or dessert imaginable while wearing the perfect tea length dress and sharing humorous quotes! If you haven't got one yet, please do. It can be addicting though, just like Facebook or Twitter (of which you need one or the other to make a Pinterest account).


  1. I want to join Pinterest but I always hear about people getting addicted, and I can just see myself using Pinterest as another distraction! LOL There are so many cute ideas on there from what I have seen. I guess I'll have to develop more discipline for myself before I can join :)

  2. You just might have convinced me to get one. haha. Seriously it seems like everyone has one, and I was afraid of the same thing about being addicted, but just like you said, I can be disciplined in Facebook, so I can be disciplined in Pinterest. And plus I can use it to find useful things, right? Thanks :)
