Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spiritual Media

Today is the first day of the 182nd Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My heart is full of love and my eyes keep filling with tears.
General Conference brought the spirit and then the program this evening (Two Brothers - hope everyone saw it or buys it!) brought incredible emotion to me thinking about family and the gospel and missionary work and...tons of things that I hold as high priorities. It has been an amazing day! It is so hard to put into words. Easy to pour out into kleenex though! :)

Anyway, I am sure I will pick a favorite moment from conference and be able to post a clip of it from YouTube in the next couple weeks...For now, I just want to share a Christian song that expresses how I am feeling right now. It isn't an LDS song, but it definitely still has a powerful message...Brandon heath's song Give Me Your Eyes:

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