Can silence be considered media? I feel like it's definitely utilized within forms of media (music & movies) and between people. I just wanted to write a little about what silence can possibly communicate to others...Inspired in part by myself, by Taylor Swift (lyrics "I've never heard silence quite this loud" from her song Story of Us) and, in a smaller part, by Emerson.
Interest - I do this when people are talking to me. Sometimes I am being silence listening to THEM, and other times I am keeping my attention on something else (like a speaker, performance, or a video) and communicating with my silence that I am more interested in other things than what they're trying to talk to me about. Sounds awful, but people do it! My mom does this sometimes when she's in the zone trying to cook. She can hear, but her silence communicates she's not thinking about responding.
ROMANTIC Interest - I just want to point out that this idea of communicating interest through silence can be very romantic! Not just for the above circumstance of listening to your significant other, but I am thinking more around the lines of the "kiss moment" silence. There's usually a certain intense and determined silence just before a kiss moment (especially the first kiss for a couple). Think back to your first kiss with your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife. It's true! Even if perhaps they asked for the kiss, there was very likely a brief pause and intent silence just before that kiss. It makes you anxious for that kiss that's so close, doesn't it? Kinda part of the suspense element.
Building Suspense -There is more to suspense than simply aiding the romantic interest communicated by silence. Scary movies are a great example for the use of silence. Classics like Jaws and What Lies Beneath have frenzies of music, slow or fast almost doesn't matter, and then there's a fade away just before something or someone attacks! Gets me every time. Suspenseful scary movies are the worst/the best. :) Silence is amazing for building anticipation for an event - good or bad. "Define the Relationship" (DTR) talks have a bunch of silent moments that make you anticipate what the other person will end up saying.
Awkwardness - Silence between my friends and I is often used to communicate that something or someone is awkward. haha! Most women probably don't need an example on this one. Men, I know you do it too. Maybe you have had one of those guys in your ward that loves to make people feel uncomfortable, typically saying less than wholesome things. Isn't there a brief silence from everyone else in the room after most of those awkward comments/actions from that individual? Mhmm!
Restraint/Thinking - It's good to take a moment for silence when you're upset or angry. Arguments could use more silence, which can help prevent anyone from saying things they would regret having said later on. Silence, when used in these types of circumstances, communicates to others that what you're saying to them matters and you want to take a little time to think exactly what you want to say and how to say it.
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