Wednesday, February 8, 2012

LDS Temples

While we're on the topic of books, I have been reading a wonderful one today for my LDS Temples religion class!
I am in Chapter 6, which is all about the finishing, open house, dedications ceremonies, and the miraculous events that occurred in the Salt Lake Temple in 1893. I was melted to tears after reading about the visions of angels and prophets past, plus the quote from Elder Anthon H. Lund (page 125) that "the many thousands of Saints will leave these sacred premises with resolves to serve God better than in the past." 
These two elements combined made me think of the atmosphere and students here at Brigham Young University. We have angels all around us that we can seek help and comfort from, both literal angels as well as angels in disguise as other students/professors on campus. :) 
Also, we have the ability to leave this place "with resolves to serve God better than in the past." This is the specified purpose of BYU, isn't it? We "enter to learn, go forth to serve." That is extra exciting to me now! I should be graduating this December and this book - Temples to Dot the Earth - has made me eager to leave here a thousand times better than I was when I arrived.

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