I was just going to write about how much I LOVE texting and how great it is for keeping in touch with people in any moment of their day. It's probably one of the best technologies we have today. I use it to for setting up when to see friends or for talking to my mom - it's great!
BUT I CAN'T JUST TALK ABOUT HOW GOOD IT IS!!! After finding the above hilarious yet realistically frightening comic, it feels important to also point out the dangers of texting. As the comic illustrates, there are circumstances under which it is less safe to be texting. Even walking while texting can be dangerous actually (I discovered this yesterday as I walked right onto some ice and nearly died *dramatization*). The other danger of texting is that you may not really get to know real people through texting. If that is your main way of making/keeping friends, then you are taking the text messaging and missing out on the real them. People say things and act differently through text than they do in person. All the non-verbal communication/meaning and interaction is lost.
All in all, I do really love texting and we shouldn't stop! No way. Just like with everything else in life though, we need to be wise stewards over ourselves and our materials (phones). We need to keep in mind the downsides to texting and be mindful enough to personally overcome them.